Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ummmm... What!?!

For those of you who follow MMA fighting you might have heard of Kevin Casey and if you haven't you will now. Because Casey has issued a warning, in rap form, to all those who may fight him.

Now I've watched this video a couple times and it is horrible, so I suggest turning the volume down when you watch it. Also, there is "cameo" so baffling in this video, The Sports Pad can't make heads or tails of it. So here it is:

That's right, it's Spencer Pratt. SPENCER PRATT. Spencer. Pratt. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

So, let me get this straight, Casey, you want to be viewed as 'hard' so you put, in your 'crew', a borderline reality star, whose only real talent is getting made fun of on The Soup. What!?!

Even, Spencer doesn't think he belongs in the video. Just look at the way he moves around in this video like he is afraid if he steps on someones shoe he's going to get a beat down. And what's with the sunglass move Spence? We know it's you; you stick out like a sore, publicity whoring, thumb. There is no way we could mistake you for one of Casey's crew. Unbelievable.

To top it all of the videos ends with "To Be Continued..." You know where I'd like this to continue? For the next MMA pay-per-view, let's line up Casey and Pratt to fight in tag-team match against Fedor Emelianenko. I would pay one hundred American dollars to watch that bloodbath.


  1. omg.
    maybe he directed the video?
    didn't he direct his reality wife's music video a while back.
    hmmmmm "what does this video need?"
    more flesh colored beards!

  2. He did, if you want to call that "directing". I've seen Porn directors with more imagination.
